Stabile installations that are linked with the Stabile Registry like, of course, Stabile Cloud, have always had basic DNS functionality built in, available through the API. Whenever you create a new network connection an A record is created in the default domain using the format “xx.xx.xx.xx.yyyyyyyy.default.domain”, where the x’s represent the connections public IPv4 address, and the y’s are the first 8 letters of yours engine’s uuid. For Stabile Cloud and new Stabile installations, the default domain is “”. This can be configured in /etc/stabile/config.cfg. Changing the default value requires that your domain zone is created on the Stabile name servers. Until now this was a manual process, where clients would ask us to create the zone.
The new Stabile DNS Services change this. Users may now have their own domains and default domains. Sub-users inherit the domains of their sponsors, but may also add their own domains. So, you can now simply, at your registrar, point your domain to our two name servers: and, and create the zone using the new Stabile DNS Services UI. Once the zone is created, you can set is as your default domain for automatically created records, and of course manually create, update and delete records. To use the new DNS services, you must have an account in Stabile Registry. To use the DNS services from an on-prem Stabile installation, you must of course link your engine with the registry.