Matomo is a great alternative to Google Analytics, and we just released a one-click Matomo stack, so you can install your own powerful analytics platform to Origo Cloud in a couple of minutes.
You can now protect your Origo Cloud account using Gooogle Authenticator or Authy. All you have to do is enable it in your profile e.g. on og on, scan the QR code and you’re good to go.
Origo Cloud has always supported IP-based access control, which we strongly encourage everyone to use in addition to, of course, use strong passwords. We have now also implemented 2-factor authentication using TOTP / RFC 6238 for an added layer of security. This is handy if you would like to access your Origo Cloud account on the go, and don’t have access to e.g. corporate VPN.
We just rolled a new stack for Stabile for those who use MongoDB and are tired of paying big bucks for using a managed DB service in the cloud and can’t be bothered to spend a weekend installing it. Install the stack as any of our other stacks, and you have a multi-node MongoDB sharded cluster up and running in about a minute with a nice managment UI. Add more shard nodes by simply adding servers to the stack.
Check it out here.
Stabile installations that are linked with the Stabile Registry like, of course, Stabile Cloud, have always had basic DNS functionality built in, available through the API. Whenever you create a new network connection an A record is created in the default domain using the format “xx.xx.xx.xx.yyyyyyyy.default.domain”, where the x’s represent the connections public IPv4 address, and the y’s are the first 8 letters of yours engine’s uuid. For Stabile Cloud and new Stabile installations, the default domain is “”. This can be configured in /etc/stabile/config.cfg. Changing the default value requires that your domain zone is created on the Stabile name servers. Until now this was a manual process, where clients would ask us to create the zone.
Almost every app needs a web service backend, and every web service needs a domain name. To serve content from a domain name you need a TLS certificate.
While you still need to register and pay for a domain through a registrar like Godaddy or, TLS certificates have been provided free of charge to anyone by Let’s Encrypt since 2016.
Effective immediately Stabile Cloud is now available in a new availability zone engine2-dk-east, served from what we consider the ideal data center in the Copenhagen Area. We are extremely excited to have entered into an agreement with I2 about providing infrastructure and comptentencies for Stabile Cloud. The new environment is available at or may be reached directly at
The data center we have chosen for our new availability zone is the data center that runs the Danish Internet Exchange point also known as the DIX. This location and in particular the company running it, I2, and the very competent personel that manage the infrastructure at the location, ensure a very high level of availability and uptime, as well as second-to-none network bandwith and network latency for clients in Denmark. Simply put – if the DIX is down, so is the Danish Internet. The historically very high stability of the DIX gives us confidence, that Stabile Cloud with this added location can deliver even better connectivity, availability and stability to our clients.
Rancher is a very popular solution for easy management of Kubernetes clusters. Rancher provides a nice UI with consolidated management tools for multiple Kubernetes clusters spread across spread across public and private clouds. Rancher also provides a curated assortment of Helm charts, that can easily be installed to the Kubernetes clusters you have imported into Rancher.
We have written a simple guide to getting Rancher up and running in Stabile, installing a Kubernetes cluster and importing the cluster into Rancher. The guide should only take a few minutes to complete – try it out, and be sure to try out some of the Helm charts provided by Rancher.
Longhorn is a popular choice for providing vendor-agnositic, replicated block storage in Kubernetes clusters. Longhorn provides a fault-tolerant alternative to the storage-options available in e.g. AWS and GKE. Longhorn is Open Source and provides a nice UI.
We have written a simple guide to getting Longhorn up and running in a Stabile Kubernetes cluster. The guide should only take a few minutes to complete, so try it out!
MinIO has emerged as the solution of choice for providing fast, scalable, portable and S3-compatible object storage – i.e. S3-storage without vendor lock-in.
Reliable object storage is relevant if you need to store large amounts of photos, videos, log files, backups or other relatively unstructured data, and particularly useful if you also want http(s) access to this data out of the box.
We provide two easy ways to install and use MinIO in any Stabile cloud: